Friday, July 11, 2008

Peace Maker Kurogane


The story is focused on the main character, Ichimura Tetsunosuke, an energetic, short, and very childlike 15 year old. Sadly, he and his older brother (Tatsunosuke) are left to fend for themselves after the vicious murder of their parents. While Tetsunosuke wants to get revenge, his pacifist brother is not so inclined. 'Tatsu' happens to join a street gang dubbed the Shinsengumi, as an accountant, to earn a living, ironically the organization 'Tetsu' wishes to join as a soldier to seek his revenge. This is where the story truly develops during 'Tetsu's' trials and tribulations as a struggling page craving redemption. He develops relationships with all the legendary members of the Shinsengumi army helping them with their various struggles as he constantly battles his own against himself. The story comes to fruition as 'Tetsu' discovers himself and the overwhelming responsibility the power he is searching for holds.

Download the torrent file here:
Peace Maker Kurogane

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